Sneaky Ways to Exercise More and Stay Fit

Discover Clever Ways to Exercise More, Boost Your Fitness Levels, and Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle

You know that old cliche "every little bit helps?" It's really true, especially when it comes to finding ways to exercise more. Only most people have a hard time seeing it that way. 

But have a look at this list:

🏡 Vacuuming the house

🌱 Weeding the yard or mowing the lawn (a.k.a. “gardening” for people who like it)

🐕‍🦺 Taking the dog for an extra walk

🏀 Shooting hoops in the driveway

🚗 Washing the car

🤽🏾‍♀️ Playing with the kids (instead of watching them play)

These might be viewed as hassles or time drains for too many people. But what if they were seen as opportunities to move a little more while accomplishing other stuff?

This slight reframing might inspire you to get more done, have more fun, and increase your daily energy expenditure—all without requiring more time in the gym.

(Essentially, it becomes a two-for-one activity—which is what many of us need to justify making time for self-care.)

This also works for activities you might hate.

Take household chores. The idea, from the University of Pennsylvania scientists, is to pair an activity you feel inclined to do but don't enjoy (a "should") with an activity you look forward to doing (a "want"). 

Example: If you save your favourite podcast (want) for when you vacuum (should) but also reframe it as exercise (another should), you accomplish two "shoulds" at once—and get your want, too. 

Whenever I do the vacuuming, wash the dishes or mow the lawn, I put my headphones on while listening to a book, podcast or music.


Here are other ways to incorporate exercise into your daily routine.

Practical strategies for finding enjoyable activities

One of the best ways to exercise more is to find activities you enjoy and can easily incorporate into your day. Here are some practical strategies:

Walk or bike to work

If possible, leave the car at home or ditch public transportation and opt for walking or biking to work. This not only adds exercise to your day but also helps you save money and reduce your carbon footprint. 

Take active breaks

Instead of sitting for long periods, take short breaks throughout the day to stretch, walk around, or do some quick exercises. This can help break up sedentary behaviour and keep your energy levels up.

Instead of remaining seated at your desk during breaks at work, take a short walk around the office or do some stretching exercises. You can also consider using a standing desk or a stability ball chair to engage your muscles while working.

Use stairs instead of elevators

Whenever you have the option, choose stairs over elevators or escalators. Climbing stairs is a great way to increase your heart rate and engage your leg muscles. 

I prefer taking the stairs over the elevator, as walking up a flight of stairs is usually faster than waiting for the elevator.

Schedule walking meetings at work

Instead of sitting in a conference room, suggest having walking meetings. Walking and talking can be a productive way to get work done while incorporating physical activity.

Make it a social activity

Instead of meeting friends for coffee or a meal, suggest going for a walk, hike, or bike ride together. This way, you can catch up while getting some exercise.

Make TV time active

Use commercial breaks or even during the show/movie to do exercises like squats, lunges, or push-ups. You can even keep a set of dumbbells or resistance bands nearby for added intensity. You can also use an exercise bike or treadmill while watching your favourite shows.

Park farther away

When going to work, shopping centres, or other destinations, intentionally park farther away from the entrance. This forces you to walk more and adds extra steps to your day.

I make it a point to walk whenever I need to go somewhere. Whether it's heading to the gym, picking up my son from school, or going shopping, I gladly choose to park my car a bit farther and enjoy a walk.

Take the scenic route

When running errands or going for a walk, choose a longer or more scenic route. This not only adds more steps to your day, but also exploring new areas or parks can make exercise feel like an adventure.

Dance it out

Put on your favourite music and have a dance party in your living room. Dancing is a fun and effective way to get your heart rate up and burn calories without feeling like you're exercising.

Incorporate exercise into household chores

Make mundane tasks like vacuuming, mopping, or gardening more physically demanding by adding extra movements or doing them at a faster pace. For example, squat while doing laundry or do lunges while vacuuming. This way, you'll do your chores while burning extra calories.

Use technology 

Use fitness apps or wearable devices that track your activity levels and set goals for yourself. This can make exercising more fun and competitive, motivating you to move more throughout the day.

Make it a habit

Incorporate exercise into your daily routine by setting aside specific times for physical activity. Making it a habit will make it easier to sneak in exercise without even thinking about it. Treat it as an essential part of your day, just like eating or sleeping.