Transform Your Body Today

Five Essential Steps to Kickstart Weight Loss and Achieve Your Dream Physique

If you want to transform your body, get into great shape, maintain it for life, and actually enjoy the process, you're in luck! It's not as complicated or painful as you might think. All you need to do is focus on a few key things that make a world of difference.

In this guide, I'm gonna spill the beans on the five steps that helped me get to 50 while maintaining a lean, fit physique and the vitality of my twenties.

And guess what? You can do it too!

But before we jump into these steps, let me share a little secret with you. The ultimate game-changer in this whole transformation journey is self-awareness. Trust me, it's like a superpower that can turn you into a better, more confident version of yourself.


Self-awareness is really getting to know yourself. It's like embarking on a journey of self-discovery! It's all about tuning in to your own thoughts, feelings, and actions and embracing the amazing person that you are. Plus, it's not just about recognising your strengths but also acknowledging those areas where you can grow and improve.

Self-awareness has always been intuitive to me, but I understand that it might not come naturally to everyone.

If you're struggling to evaluate yourself objectively, don't worry!

Just reach out to your closest friends and family and ask for their honest feedback. They'll be happy to help you on your journey of self-discovery. Their insights can be like little rays of sunshine, helping you see yourself in a whole new light. They know you better than anyone, so they can give you some honest feedback on your strengths and weaknesses.

Now, let's talk about how self-awareness can transform your body and improve your health. Remember how I mentioned identifying your strengths and weaknesses?

Well, that's where the magic happens! Once you have a better understanding of yourself, you can leverage your strengths to your advantage and work on improving your weaknesses. It's like unlocking your full potential!

When it comes to eating and exercise, we all have our healthy and unhealthy habits. But with self-awareness, you can easily spot the healthy habits that will bring you closer to your goals. It's like having a secret weapon for success!

So, where do you start?

Well, let me break it down for you. First, familiarise yourself with the five steps below. Then, make a list of your healthy habits or strengths.

Need some inspiration?

Here are a few of my healthy habits when I started my health and fitness journey:

  • Consistency
  • Enjoying my favourite fruits and vegetables
  • Eating until satisfied, not stuffed
  • Being active and playing my favourite sports
  • Enjoying workouts
  • Getting enough sleep
  • Letting go of things I couldn't control

Once you have your list, it's time to put those healthy habits into action! Apply them to each of the five steps below, and watch as you become healthier and transform your body. It's like a fun and exciting adventure towards a better you!

Remember, self-awareness is your superpower. Embrace it, use it, and let it guide you on your journey to a healthier and happier life. You've got this!

Step 1 - Healthy eating

Let's dive into the wonderful world of healthy eating. I firmly believe that if you want to transform your body, prioritising healthy eating is essential.

Healthy eating is so much more than just the quality of food you eat. It's also about our food behaviours and habits. So, being mindful of how you eat is just as important as being mindful of what you eat.

Here is a guide to help you get started with healthy eating.

Track your calories and macronutrients, aka macros (protein, carbohydrates and fats), to get an idea of your food and drink intake

What, count calories!

You might be saying, "I hate counting calories."

Guess what? So do I!

Counting calories can seem like a daunting task, but trust me, it doesn't have to be! I used to hate counting calories, too, but I've only done it a few times in my life. One week of tracking was all it took for me to understand my food and drink intake and work towards my desired physique.

If you're struggling with weight loss, maintaining a healthy weight, or reaching your fitness goals, tracking your calories for just a week can be really helpful. It's all about finding that balance between eating too much and not eating enough.

Tracking calories gives you a clear picture of what you're consuming and helps you understand the nutritional content of your meals and drinks. It's like having a roadmap to guide you towards your goals. Plus, it allows you to see how your body responds to different calorie and macro levels so you can make adjustments accordingly.

Don't worry. Tracking your calories doesn't have to be a hassle. There are user-friendly apps like MyFitnessPal that make it super easy. Just log what you eat and drink, and the app will do the rest, calculating your daily calorie needs.

Once you see how much or how little you've been consuming, it's time to introduce you to a much better and simpler way of monitoring your nutrition. Trust me, it's not as tedious as it seems!

The simplest approach - Precision Nutrition’s (PN’s) hand portion method

If you're tired of the constant hassle of counting calories and meticulously weighing your food, I've got an easy solution for you! Instead of all that stress, use your hand as a calorie, macro and portion guide.

Let me break it down for you: your hand can be your trusty companion in determining the right portions of calories, macros, and nutrients for your goals. It's as simple as this:

  • Your palm determines your protein portions.
  • Your cupped hand determines your carbohydrate portions.
  • Your thumb determines your fat portions.
  • Your fist determines your vegetable portions.

Now, you might be wondering, what's the advantage of using your hand as a guide? Well, let me tell you:

  • Your hand is portable: It's always with you, making it the most portable portion guide you could ask for. No need to carry around measuring cups or scales anymore!
  • Hands are scaled to an individual: Your hand is perfectly scaled to your individual needs. Bigger people need more food, and smaller people need less food.
  • And the best part? You can say goodbye to counting calories! By using your hand as a guide, you'll naturally provide yourself with reasonable portions of nutrient-dense foods that meet your protein, carbohydrate, fat, vegetable, and calorie needs.

Here is an article and a series of infographics that will help you to understand the inaccuracies of calorie counting and the simplicity of using PN’s hand portion method.

Macros vs. calories vs. portions vs. intuitive eating: What’s the best way to ‘watch what you eat?’

The surprising problem with calorie counting: Part 1

The surprising problem with calorie counting: Part 2

Portion control guide

If you want to know the right amount of calories and macros you need to achieve your body transformation goals, let me help. 

So, if you're ready to achieve your body transformation goals without the stress of counting calories, let me lend a hand and help you figure out the right amount of calories and macros you need. Together, we can make healthy eating a breeze!

Click the link if you would like a free personalised nutrition plan for your body, eating preferences and goals to help you get started.


Let's talk about the sneaky calories hiding in our drinks! It's time to shed some light on this topic and make it easy to understand.

If you're on a weight loss journey and looking to transform your body, it's important to be mindful of the calories you consume through beverages. Believe it or not, those liquid calories can really add up!

But here's the thing: drinking your calories might not be the most satisfying way to go. Let me explain. Imagine this scenario: you have the choice between eating a juicy apple or downing two or three glasses of apple juice. Which one do you think will keep you feeling fuller and more satisfied?

Well, the answer is clear! Opting for the whole apple is a smarter choice. Why? Because it takes a lot more than just one apple to make a glass of juice. Plus, when you eat the apple, you get all the bulk and fibre that comes with it, which helps keep you feeling full and satisfied.

So, if you're aiming to lose weight and transform your body, it's time to rethink your beverage choices. Choose lower-calorie options and focus on whole, nutrient-dense foods that will truly nourish and satisfy you.

Remember, every small change counts on your journey to a healthier you. So let's raise a glass (of water, perhaps?) to make smart choices.

‘What should I drink?!’ Your complete guide to liquid nutrition.

Change how you eat

Let's quickly dive into the wonderful world of intuitive and mindful eating, where healthy habits await!

The first step towards healthy eating is embracing real, whole foods. These are the superheroes of nutrition, packed with all the good stuff your body craves. So, let's fill our plates with vibrant fruits, crisp veggies, lean protein sources and nourishing whole grains!

Now, let's talk about intuitive eating. It's like tapping into your inner food guru and listening to what your body truly needs. Trust me, it's a skill worth mastering! While some of us may have lost touch with our intuitive eating abilities, fear not because, with practice, we can reclaim this superpower.

Here are some intuitive eating tips to get you started on your journey to a healthier relationship with food:

  • Eat when you're hungry. Your body knows best when it needs fuel, so listen to those hunger cues and nourish yourself accordingly.
  • Slow down and savour each bite. Take the time to truly appreciate your food's flavours, textures, and aromas. Eating mindfully is like a mini vacation for your taste buds!
  • Don't forget to breathe between bites. It's a simple yet powerful way to stay present and fully enjoy your meal.
  • Stop eating when you're satisfied, not stuffed! Remember, it's all about finding that sweet spot where you feel content and energised, not uncomfortably full.
  • Gather around the table with your loved ones. Sharing a meal with family and friends nourishes your body and feeds your soul.
  • Minimise distractions. Turn off the TV, put away your phone, and create a peaceful eating environment. By reducing distractions, you can fully focus on the deliciousness in front of you and eat mindfully, not mindlessly.

So, let's embrace the joy of intuitive and mindful eating! It's a journey of self-discovery, nourishment, and lifelong healthy habits. Remember, every bite is an opportunity to nourish your body and celebrate life's amazing flavours.

Buon appetito!

How to eat to 80% full (and why it matters)

Intuitive eating: How to make it work for you


Let's tackle the snacking dilemma with an easy-to-understand approach! We all know that snacking can sometimes get out of hand, especially when there's an abundance of tempting treats around us. But fear not. Here are some tips to help you reduce or avoid snacking in a healthy and enjoyable way!

1. Plan your meals like a pro!

Start your day with a clear plan of what you'll be eating. By prepping and knowing exactly what's on your menu, you'll feel satisfied and less inclined to snack. It's like having a delicious roadmap for your day!

2. Change your food environment

Our surroundings play a big role in our eating habits. So, let's make some positive changes. Take a look at your kitchen and make it a haven of healthy choices. Stock up on nutritious foods that support your goals and make you feel amazing. And hey, while you're at it, surround yourself with people who uplift and encourage your healthy eating journey. Positive vibes all around!

Now, you might be wondering, does this mean no more snacking?

Absolutely not!

We're all about balance and enjoying life's little pleasures. If you feel like having a snack, go for it! Just remember to choose healthy options that nourish your body and make you feel fantastic.

So, let's make snacking a mindful and delicious experience. Plan your meals, create a supportive food environment, and embrace the joy of healthy snacking when the craving strikes.

Meal planning and prepping

Meal planning and prepping are efficient ways to make healthy eating effortless.

With a bit of organisation and a whole lot of deliciousness, you'll have a fridge full of healthy go-to meals.
So, how do we make this happen? Here's a simple weekly routine to get you started:

  • Get your shopping list ready: Fill it up with all the vibrant and nutritious foods that will fuel your body and make your taste buds sing. Think colourful fruits, crisp veggies, lean proteins, and whole grains.
  • Meal plan for the week: Sit down and map out your meals for the week. Think about the flavours and variety you want to enjoy. Maybe it's a zesty stir-fry, a comforting soup, or a refreshing salad. Let your imagination run wild, and plan meals that excite you.
  • Prep those veggies: Wash and chop your vegetables, then store them in handy containers. This way, when hunger strikes, you'll have a rainbow of goodness ready to go. It's like having your own personal salad bar at home!
  • Cook in bulk: Whip up big batches of your favourite meals and portion them into individual containers. This way, you'll have grab-and-go options for those busy days when time is of the essence. Plus, it's like having your own personal chef preparing delicious meals just for you!
  • Store containers in the fridge and freezer for later: This way, you'll always have a healthy meal waiting for you, whether it's a quick lunch or a cozy dinner. It's like having a treasure trove of nutritious goodness at your fingertips!
  • Don't forget the snacks: Prepare some healthy snacks in advance, like crunchy veggie sticks, homemade energy balls, or a refreshing fruit salad. Having these ready to grab will keep you satisfied and nourished throughout the day.

Here are some infographics on planning, prepping and how to prepare healthy food when you need it.

How to master meal prep

3 Steps for prepping (and loving) your veggies

How to create the perfect meal

Step 2 - Exercise and movement 

We all know that staying active is key to a long and vibrant life. But if you're dreaming of that lean, fit, athletic-looking body, combining resistance training and cardio is the secret sauce to success!

Resistance training

Resistance training, also known as weight training, is your ticket to retaining muscle or lean body mass while shedding those extra pounds.

It's like sculpting a masterpiece!

You can do resistance training anywhere - at home, in the park, or at the gym. Use your own body weight as resistance, or grab some adjustable dumbbells for a home gym. And hey, if you prefer, commercial gyms have a wide variety of equipment to choose from!

When starting out, aim for workouts every other day, giving yourself a day of rest in between to recover and recharge. Your body will thank you for it!

Cardio and NEAT

Now, let's talk cardio and NEAT (non-exercise activity thermogenesis) - the dynamic duo of fat-burning!

Find a form of cardio that makes your heart sing, whether it's walking, running, cycling, swimming, or even playing a sport you love. The key is to choose something you enjoy because when you're having a blast, you'll keep coming back for more!

Cardio, combined with a calorie deficit, will supercharge your fat loss potential. It's like turning up the heat on your metabolism!

And don't forget about NEAT - the energy you burn through daily activities.

Tip - Increase your NEAT by simply increasing your daily steps.

Set a goal for yourself, whether it's 5k, 10k, or even 15k steps a day. Choose a goal that you know you can consistently achieve, even when life gets a little crazy. Trust me, those steps will add up to big results!

If you need a little extra motivation or a boost of discipline, find yourself an exercise buddy. Exercising with a friend not only makes it more enjoyable, but you can also support and hold each other accountable. It's like having a cheerleader by your side!

So, let's lace up those sneakers, grab those dumbbells, and get ready to embrace the incredible benefits of regular exercise. It's your ticket to a fitter, stronger, and happier you.

Here is a complete guide and your ultimate roadmap to the incredible world of regular exercise and its amazing benefits. Whether you're looking to boost your fitness, transform your body composition, or simply enhance your overall well-being, I've got you covered with easy-to-understand tips and advice.

Need some workout ideas or exercise routines?

Click the links for some of the best free online workouts and resources from some of the best fitness professionals.

Online workouts and resources

Calisthenics: Online workouts and resources

Step 3 - Sleep and stress management

Reading is relaxing

Get ready to snooze your way to a healthier, happier you!

We all know that good sleep is like a magical potion for our bodies, just as important as healthy eating and exercise. It's the secret ingredient that helps us transform our bodies and achieve optimal health.

When we don't get enough sleep, it's like hitting the snooze button on our weight loss goals, slowing down our aging process, and even putting a damper on our performance levels. But fear not, my friend!

Aim for 7 to 9 hours of sleep each night, and watch as your body thanks you with boundless energy and a radiant glow. 

Need help with your sleep? 

Find your ideal sleep schedule

Stress management is the secret to maintaining our overall health and happiness. Stress can be a powerful force in our lives, but it's all about finding that sweet spot.

So, grab a cup of tea, sit back, and click on this infographic that will guide you through the magical realm of good and bad stress. You'll learn how to harness the positive power of stress while keeping the negative vibes at bay. It's like finding the perfect balance beam for your well-being!

Get ready to unlock the secrets of stress management and embrace a life filled with joy and peace.

Good stress, bad stress: Here's how to find your sweet spot

Step 4 - Mindset

Get ready to embrace the power of a healthy and positive mindset because it's the key to unlocking a world of happiness and well-being!

Change your body by first changing your mindset

Are you ready to transform your body?

Well, it all starts with transforming your mindset. Let's dive into 9 incredible ways to cultivate and nurture a mindset that will help you thrive!

1. Find your purpose in life

Discover your "why" and let your passion drive you to make a positive impact on the world. Whether it's sharing your good health with others or pursuing a cause close to your heart, let your purpose guide you to greatness.

Change your words, change your mindset.

2. Positive self-talk 

Change your words, change your mindset. My son attached this bookmark to our kitchen cupboard to remind us to choose our words carefully when talking to ourselves and others. The words we use have the power to shape our mindset and how we feel about ourselves. So, choose your words wisely and watch as your mindset transforms before your eyes.

3. Be true to yourself 

Remember, you are unique and special. Instead of comparing yourself to others, believe in yourself and focus on becoming the best version of YOU. Embrace your individuality and let your light shine!

4. Surround yourself with positive, healthy people 

People who share similar interests and goals as you do and who lift you up and inspire you. When you're in the company of people who think young, live young and believe in endless possibilities, anything becomes possible for you, too!

5. Healthy eating 

Fuel your body with healthy, nourishing foods that make you feel amazing from the inside out. Eating better is like giving your body a big, joyful hug!

6. Regular exercise 

Get moving with regular exercise. Not only does it relieve stress, but it also boosts your mood and leaves you feeling fabulous. A healthy mindset and a healthy body go hand in hand!

Healthy mindset, healthy body

7. Set clearly defined goals 

Set clear goals and turn them into actionable steps. Break down your big goals into smaller, achievable actions that you can consistently practice every day. It's like creating a roadmap to success!

For example, you aim to lose 10 kgs or two dress sizes in time for summer. Think of what daily actions you can do consistently to help you move closer to your goal. For example, you might start by eating better and exercising daily.

8. Find a hobby 

Discover a hobby that brings you joy and excitement. Whether it's painting, dancing, or even woodworking like me, find something that ignites your passion and gives you a sense of purpose in life.

9. Practice gratitude 

Take a moment each day to reflect on the things you're grateful for. It's like sprinkling happiness all around you!

Step 5 - Consistent daily practice

Are you ready to unlock the ultimate secret to better health, vitality and your dream physique?

It's time to embrace the power of consistent daily practice!

Imagine reaching 50 and still feeling as energetic as you did in your twenties. It's not a far-fetched dream but a reality that can be achieved through consistent practice. I'm living proof of this! I didn't strive for perfection but focused on getting a little bit better each day.

So, where do you start?

This is where self-awareness comes in. Identify areas in your life that could use some improvement, whether it's your eating habits, exercise routine, sleep patterns, stress management, or mindset. Once you've pinpointed these areas, dedicate most of your time and energy to what works for you.

Consistency is key!

For me, it's been the secret to maintaining optimal health and a healthy weight for over 30 years. I discovered an eating style that I genuinely enjoy, and that suits my needs. I found various forms of exercise that bring me joy. I've learned to manage stress and developed a soothing bedtime routine. And most importantly, I keep a positive mindset by focusing on my goals and what brings me happiness.

Consistency has been my greatest ally. It's the secret sauce that keeps me going strong! And now, it's your turn to shine. Embrace the power of consistency and watch as your health and physique transform before your eyes.

Remember, it's not about being perfect. It's about making small, consistent improvements every day. With each step forward, you'll witness remarkable progress and a newfound zest for life. So, let's embark on this journey together, practising with unwavering consistency and celebrating every milestone along the way. Your vibrant, healthy future awaits, and I'm here cheering you on every step of the way!

Now, let's go out there and make it happen!